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HDPE pipe with screwthread connection

Variations available

Monitoring well pipe of natural HDPE (high-density polyethylene) material, with screw thread socket. Available as a plain or filter pipe, in different sizes.

  • Resistant to mineral acids, oils, alcohols
  • Lightweight pipe
  • No traces of heavy metals or plasticisers
  • Higher chemical resistance than PVC
  • Attractively priced


The material of these pipes causes no water pollution and makes high monitoring quality possible. HDPE provides satisfactory results, and it is much cheaper than PTFE.

HDPE pipes are suitable for use in contaminated locations because they are resistant to aromatic and chlorinated solvents. However, they are permeable to these substances, which can pose a problem if the groundwater quality in a deep aquifer under a highly contaminated soil has to be determined.

The pipes are provided with leak-proof threaded connections. They're easily connected during sinking, and a smooth well pipe is realised. Suitable for deep monitoring wells.

The natural HDPE pipe is leak proof up to at least 3.0 bar and has a maximum tensile strength of 250 kg. It's available in different variations, with KIWA certificate. 

Plain pipes plain, 32 mm diametre, 1 metre, 10 pcs. 32 mm diameter, 2 metres, 10 pcs. 50 mm diameter, 1 metre, 5 pcs. 50 mm diameter, 2 metres, 5 pcs. 63 mm diameter, 1 metre, 5 pcs.
10.01.40 plain, 63 mm diameter, 2 metres, 5 pcs.

Plain/filter pipe plain/filter, 32 mm diameter, 2 metres, 10 pcs.
This pipe has slits over 1 metre

Filterbuizen met 0,3 mm horizontale slits filter, 32 mm diameter, 1 metre, 10 pcs. 32 mm diameter, 2 metre, 10 pcs. 50 mm diameter, 1 metre, 5 pcs. 50 mm diameter, 2 metre, 5 pcs.
10.01.41 63 mm diameter, 1 metre, 5 pcs. 

Mini pipes Plain pipe 26.6x18.6 mm, 2 m. 35 pcs.
Filter pipe 26.6x18.6 mm, 1 m. 35 pcs.
