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Eijkelkamp Academy training Grondclassificatie NEN 5104
Eijkelkamp Academy training Grondclassificatie NEN 5104

Training courses

Our training courses in the field of soil and water sampling and research provide you with the right tools to work with our products and the necessary background knowledge to successfully carry out research or maintenance. View our extensive range of training courses and register immediately.

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Eijkelkamp Academy training Grondclassificatie NEN 5104

Training in Soil and Water Research

Training in Cone Penetration Testing (CPT)

Training in Sonic Drilling

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Compact Crawler CPT130 - Installing the anchors

Introduction day CPT technology

During this training you will be introduced to various facets of cone penetration testing.

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CPT tubes with attached cone

CPT operator beginner training

A two-day course for those who want to get started with CPT, with little to no experience with the technique.

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CPT for engineers

During this course we will delve deeper into the application and interpretation of the data obtained from a CPT.

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Retrieving a sonic core sample

Sonic driller assistant

During this training you will learn the basics of all facets of sonic drilling in five days. A great starting point to start a career in sonic drilling.

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Sonic drilling in action

Sonic driller Basic

In the Sonic Drill Master Basic program you will learn the basics of sonic drilling.

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Sonic driller Advanced

In this training you will delve deeper into the theory and control of our sonic rigs.

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Mechanic sonic drill rigs Basic

Specialized mechanic training for our sonic rigs.

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Training geautomatiseerd & online grondwaterstanden meten bij Eijkelkamp Academy

Diver Training

If you are going to use Diver water level loggers, this training is essential. You will learn how to program Divers, read data, measure and validate online.

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