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Lost Cone Installation for sonic drilling
Lost Cone Installation for sonic drilling

Lost Cone Installations

Seismic drills are designed to limit the impact of exploration work, Royal Eijkelkamp developed a much neater technique based on lost cones.

  • Limits the impact of exploration work
  • Different sizes available
  • Safer then other techniques


Royal Eijkelkamp has developed a seismic drilling technique based on a lost cone, which is hammered or vibrated into place with a small diameter casing. It is now the standard solution for boreholes.

The problem with installing seismic explosives
In the past, installing seismic explosives led to cutting piles and disturbed soil surfaces left in the field and, even worse, the penetration of impermeable layers allowing leakage and mixing of salt or contaminated water with clean aquifers or even flow to the surface.


The seismic shothole tools and procedures are designed to prevent pulling up the explosive when extracting the drill casing. First, there is the geometry of the lost cone, assuring a minimum of friction when going down and a maximum of friction when the casing is pulled up, optimizing the chance that the cone stays down.

Second, the weight of the full length of bentonite plugs and water column pushing on the lost cone during extraction, plus the anchor mechanism on the explosive hold the charge in place. The vigorous sonic vibrations, only used during pulling up of the first section of casing, reduce the risk of a blocked cone to zero.

For seismic research we supply three sizes of casings.

Available variations

  • GP63 mm (2.48 in)
  • GP88 (3.46)
  • GP100 (3.94)

All with lost cones. 


Lost Cone Installations
Three sizes of casings GP63 mm (2.48 in), GP88 (3.46) and GP100 (3.94)
Lost cones Plugs casing until retrieval
Anchors for explosives Folds out during retrieval of casing; also preventing theft
Bentonite plugs Swells after adding water, repairing penetrated impermeable soil layers
Loading rods for explosives Can be used to position explosive in open borehole (or casing)
Greg Halliday

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