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Compact Crawler CPT130
Compact Crawler CPT130
Cone penetration testing soil investigation technique


Cone Penetration Testing is a soil investigation technique that was developed some 90 years ago and is now utilized all around the world to establish soil behavior and soil stratigraphy. Through the use of additional modules, the technique can be used not only for geotechnical investigations, but also for hydrogeological and geo-environmental investigations.

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Compact Crawler CPT130

What is CPT?

Cone Penetration Testing is an efficient and rapidly evolving ground investigation technique used to determine soil properties and delineate soil layers. The CPT is an in-situ test, meaning that the data is collected by testing the soil in the ground without the need for sampling, logging and laboratory testing.

During CPT an instrumented cone is pushed into the ground and provides, in real time, three soil parameters: cone tip resistance, sleeve friction and porewater pressure.

The carefully calibrated cones are highly sensitive and able to detect even the smallest changes in soil properties, which would be missed or averaged out in less sensitive ground investigation techniques. This makes CPT data the ideal tool for a wide variety of geotechnical and geohydrological engineering applications.

Requirements for CPT

During CPT the cone is pushed into the ground, normally with the use of a hydraulic push frame, sometimes called rams. These push frames are normally mounted to a CPT rig which will provide the reaction force to advance the cone either through weight, such as a fully ballasted CPT truck or boxed crawler or through the use of ground anchors such as with a compact crawler system.

The CPT cone is advanced using CPT rods, within which is a data cable that provides real time data throughout the test, allowing the user to spot obstructions quickly and prevent damage to the equipment. To collect even more data in one push, various add-on modules can be mounted to the back of the cone. These modules can be used to obtain seismic data, conductivity data, or various other soil parameters that can be used to contribute to a detailed ground model.

Royal Eijkelkamp for all your CPT needs

Royal Eijkelkamp can support you at every level of your CPT project. Not only by helping you to define exactly what equipment is needed for your individual project, and supplying you with that equipment, but also by helping develop execution plans for specific project and equipping you with the knowledge required to get the most out of CPT.

Our experts provide theoretical insights into the testing method and the various options, as well as providing practical guidance and training on how to perform CPT in the most efficient manner - while ensuring the collection of high-quality CPT data.

What sets Royal Eijkelkamp apart

Royal Eijkelkamp is not just a CPT manufacturer, but a provider and expert on a huge range of geotechnical solutions. This gives us a broader view and enables us to support your wider geotechnical needs. As a result, we have developed combination tools such as the Drill’n CPT to easily convert a drill rig into a CPT rig.

We have also developed the groundbreaking SonicCPT system that allows you to push the CPT through soil layers that regular CPT cannot penetrate. And finally, we can lean on our extensive knowledge of soil and water testing sensors to provide you with site investigation solutions that go beyond traditional CPT.

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Eijkelkamp CPT Pusher

CPT pushers

The Eijkelkamp family of CPT pushers are designed to provide long lasting trouble-free operation, with maximum flexibility and a wide range of operating conditions. They are available as either a 35 kN, a 130 kN or a 200 kN unit. All units have a short ram stroke (between 500 mm and 600mm) so they can be used in low overhead spaces. There are also special options, like the 200 kN unit with a long ram stroke (1050 mm), the SonicCPT, the Drill'o CPT and the Drill'n CPT.

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Components of the Electrical CPT system

Electrical CPT system

Royal Eijkelkamp provides a full range of electrical CPT equipment including a wide range of cones, both subtraction and compression cones, as well as all of the supporting equipment needed to ensure that we can provide the appropriate system whatever your project. Available in both digital and analogue configurations.

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Overview of CPT modules


Adding a module behind your cone during a CPT operation is an efficient way to obtain more information about the soil, in addition to the CPT cone data. Whether to record seismic waves, the magnetic field, or soil conductivity, the use of a module can greatly enhance the overall data acquisition process during a CPT sounding.

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CPT clamp inside the Boxed Crawler


Royal Eijkelkamp provides both mechanical and hydraulic clamps that are designed to provide long lasting trouble-free operation and make pushing and pulling of CPT tubes and casing tubes quick and easy. While the hydraulic clamps are integrated in the CPT pusher, the mechanical clamps are designed to be switched out easily to accommodate changes in tube diameter.

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Compact CPT rigs with anchors

CPT rigs

Our CPT product range includes a variety of rigs from easily transportable Compact Crawlers to fully ballasted Boxed Crawlers and our Boxed Truck Crawler. Whatever the ground conditions or access restrictions on your site, we can provide the CPT rig to ensure you can deliver the most efficient ground investigation program.

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Greg Halliday

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