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Rigs for mineral exploration

This range of drilling rigs were developed especially for the mining industry. Available as either a crawler or truck mounted rigs, they boast innovative technologies to maximize productivity when mining for new resources.

Discover the MX and MX T series for mineral exploration

The drilling rigs from this range can be prepared for: 

  • diamond coring
  • reverse circulation
  • air core drilling

These strong machines can drill both vertically and at a 45 degree angle. They are true multipurpose rigs, with many available options. 


Fraste's custom features boost your productivity and help to eliminate risks at the job site.

  • Manipulator
    Make your operations safer with this automatic rods handler for quick handling of drill pipes
  • Core Barrel Handler
    Experience complete handsfree manoeuvring of core barrels
  • Radio Remote Control
    Stay out of dangerous areas thanks to the remote control system that allows you to control the drilling operation from a safe distance.