At InnoFields we currently collaborate with the following organisations:
Eijkelkamp-Altop Solutions
Partnership with Altop for the development of the Two-way TerraDrain system for agriculture and mining.
This organization works on data science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. We want to link this to the InnoFields data and digital twins.
Soil Valley DevCorp
The umbrella organization for Soil Valley, with the main goal of attracting start-ups and scale-ups that share our ideals.
Soil Valley Ecosystems i.o.
Ensures the roll-out of Soil Valley, in order to realize a healthy and green soil.
Eijkelkamp Ozone+
A new initiative together with Sigma Waters to develop a method for cleaning polluted water with Ozone+.
De Streekfabriek
An initiative to help people eat local produce from regional producers: from soil to mouth and from field to fork.
Tuinderij Bodemliefde
The ecological garden located at InnoFields, where activities are centered around production, tasting, learning and experimentation.
InnovatieHub InnoFields
Collaboration between Altop Products, Hal24K, and Royal Eijkelkamp to attract young talent and students.